- (Marhch 1, 2025)The new Chart-of-the-Week on circular economy is uploaded.
- (February 25, 2025) News and a seminar have been updated.
Dr. Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary Received Commendation from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan. - (February 20, 2025) TRIES cohosts an The two seminars has been updated.
- (February 15, 2025) The new Chart-of-the-Week on reducing VOC emissions is uploaded.
- (February 1, 2025) The new Chart-of-the-Week on heat illness is uploaded.
- (January 15, 2025) The new Chart-of-the-Week on mining impact is uploaded.
- (December 15, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on mineral resources is uploaded.
- (December 1, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on SDGs certification is uploaded.
- (November 29, 2024) TRIES cohosts an international conference on "The Economic and Financial Policy Facilitation a Just Transition Conference" from Nov. 15 to 17.
- (November 15, 2024) Recent publication section is updated.
The Events page has been updated.
The new Chart-of-the-Week on net-zero transition is uploaded. - (November 1, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on fisheries industry is uploaded.
- (October 15, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on poverty and tax is uploaded.
- (October 11, 2024) TRIES cohosts an international conference on "Financial Drivers of Sustainability & Carbon Reduction" on Oct 10.
- (October 1, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on industrial waste is uploaded.
- (September 15, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on CCUS Technology is uploaded.
- (August 15, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on Japanese tea production is uploaded.
- (July 15, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on bond markets is uploaded.
- (July 1, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on Teenage Suicide is uploaded.
- (June 1, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on GX polocy is uploaded.
- (May 15, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on energy is uploaded.
- (May 1, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on risk management is uploaded.
- (April 15, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on steel industry is uploaded.
- (April 1, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on life-expectancy of an automobile is uploaded.
- (Marhch 15, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on the Joint Crediting Mechanism is uploaded.
- (February 1, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on biodiversity is uploaded.
- (January 15, 2024) The new Chart-of-the-Week on ESG and Social Impact Assessment is uploaded.
- (December 15, 2023) The new Chart-of-the-Week on role of green bonds is uploaded.
- (December 1, 2023) The new Chart-of-the-Week on SDGs certification systems for SMEs is uploaded.
- (November 21, 2023) TRIES cohosts an international conference on "Sustainable Solutions for Meeting the Carbon Neutrality Goals" on Nov 24.
- (November 1, 2023) The new Chart-of-the-Week on the role of rechargeable batteries is uploaded.
- (October 15, 2023) The new Chart-of-the-Week on the trend of food prices in Japan is uploaded.
- (October 3, 2023) The new Chart-of-the-Week on the trend of generation of MSW in Japan is uploaded.
- (September 15, 2023) The new Chart-of-the-Week on the impact on occupational accidents due to Japan's aging workforce is uploaded.
- (August 15, 2023) The new Chart-of-the-Week on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Japanese labor market is uploaded.
- (July 8, 2023) Dr. Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary serves as the editor for the special collection of the Economic Change and Restructuring journal (SSCI) on energy transition and sustainable economy. Please check the call-for-paper if you are interested.
- (July 1, 2023) The new Chart-of-the-Week on paternity leave is uploaded.
- (June 28, 2023) TRIES organizes international seminar on Energy, Climate Finance, and Policy Analysis on July 6.
- (June 26, 2023) Dr. Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary serves as an editor for Green Finance for Sustainability: What Role Does Islamic Finance Play? (book to be published by Routledge: Taylor & Francis in London). Please check the call-for-abstracts if you are interested.
- (June 15, 2023) The new Chart-of-the-Week on educational opportunities is uploaded.
- (June 1, 2023) The new Chart-of-the-Week on biodiversity is uploaded.
- (May 15, 2023) The new Chart-of-the-Week on the production processes in iron and steel industry is uploaded.
- (May 1, 2023) The new Chart-of-the-Week on Circulating and Ecological Economy is uploaded.
- (April 29, 2023) TRIES organizes international conference on ESG Investments on May 12.
- (April 19, 2023) Congratulations to Dr. Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary for receiving The Commendation for Science and Technology from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan in the category of Young Scientists.
- (April 15, 2023) The new Chart-of-the-Week on plastic waste is uploaded.
- (April 1, 2023) The new Chart-of-the-Week on industrial waste in Japan is uploaded.
- (February 28, 2023) Dr. Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary serves as an editor for humanities and social sciences communications (Nature Group). Please check the call-for-paper if you are interested.
- (February 07, 2023) The new Chart-of-the-Week on geothermal energy in Japan is uploaded.
- (January 20, 2023) The new Chart-of-the-Week on SDGs is uploaded.
- (January 6, 2023) The new year's first Chart-of-the-Week is available.
- (December 16, 2022) The new Chart-of-the-Week about renewable energy in Japan is out now.
- (December 16, 2022)Jointly with Yonsei University, we are organizing a conference and call for chapters on "Role of Green & Transition Finance in Achieving Carbon Neutrality. Authors of the accepted abstracts will be invited to present their chapters at a conference to be jointly organized by Tokai University and Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea.
- (December 2, 2022) The new Chart-of-the-Week about CO2 emission is uploaded.
- (November 24, 2022) TRIES cohosts an international conference on "ESG Investments in East and Southeast Asia". Accepted papers will be published by World Scientific in an edited book volume or will be invited for submission to a special issue of the Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management. Please see this if you are interested.
- (November 21, 2022) Our new chart-of-the-week on food security is now waiting for your access!
- (November 15, 2022) Conguratulations to Dr. Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary being on the Clarivate's list of Highly Cited Researchers in 2022.
- (November 6, 2022) Dr. Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary organizes a special issue (Digital Finance for Technological Progres) at Global Finance Journal. The submission deadline is December 30th, 2023.
- (October 15, 2022) Dr. Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary is selected as world's top 2% scientists by Elsevier (ranked first among whole Tokai University scientists).
- (October 14, 2022) The 12th Chart-of-the-Week is uploaded.
- (October 11, 2022) Dr. Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary's interview on green energy financing was published in Nature Sustainability. Congratulations!.
- (September 17, 2022) The 11th Chart-of-the-Week is posted.
- (September 17, 2022) Dr. Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary serves as an editor for A Modern Guide to Energy Economics (Edward Elagar). Please check the call-for-paper if you are interested.
- (September 17, 2022) TRIES organizes international research seminar on energy transition.
- (September 16, 2022) The 10th Chart-of-the-Week is posted.
- (August 17, 2022) We will host symposium on carbon neutrality.
- (August 10, 2022) 2nd TRIES Discussion Paper Series (DP2022-02) is out now.
- (August 8, 2022) Recent publication section is updated.
- (August 5, 2022) New Chart-of-the-Week (#9) is uploaded.
- (August 2, 2022) We are thrilled to announce a new book " Taxation in the Digital Economy: New Models in Asia and the Pacific" published by Routledge in London.
- (July 15, 2022) New Chart-of-the-Week (#8) is uploaded.
- (July 3, 2022) A New book edited by the TRIES member is released from Springer.
- (July 1, 2022) New Chart-of-the-Week (#7) is posted.
- (June 25, 2022) Conguratulations to Dr. Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary for being awarded as the most productive author in the field of green finance in the world! For more information, please check the article published in Renewable Energy (SCIE indexed).
- (June 17, 2022) New Chart-of-the-Week (#6) is posted.
- (June 6, 2022) New Chart-of-the-Week (#5) is posted.
- (May 29, 2022) Recent publication section is updated.
- (May 20, 2022) New Chart-of-the-Week (#4) is available.
- (May 6, 2022) New Chart-of-the-Week (#3) is posted.
- (May 6, 2022) One of our staff (Dr. Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary) is invited as an editor for the special issues of two prestigious journals below.
The special issues are open to the public. Please click the links for the further information.
- Call for papers on "Role of Green Finance in Renewable Energy Development" in Renewable Energy
- Call for Paper for Special Issue on "Greening the Economic Recovery with Efficiency in Natural Resource Markets" in Resource Policy
- (April 15, 2022) New Chart-of-the-Week is posted.
- (April 4, 2022) 1st TRIES Discussion Paper Series (DP2022-01) is uploaded.
- (April 1, 2022) The website has been released!